Resurse Artisti Digitali

Cum au fost facuti dragonii din Game of Thrones

Dan Katcher poate fi numit “Tata Dragonilor”. Programul folosit este Zbrush, eu am inceput sa-l folosesc in 2018 cand am studiat workflow-ul pentru jocuri VR

Dan Katcher poate fi numit “Tata Dragonilor”. Programul folosit este Zbrush, eu am inceput sa-l folosesc in 2018 cand am studiat workflow-ul pentru jocuri VR (Oculus GO, in Unity 3D), este destul de dificil de stapanit la inceput, dar dupa este foarte placut, modul de lucru devine intuitiv si lucrurile pe care le poti face in Zbrush cu greu le poti replica in alt program. Zbrush 2019 este foarte fain, si cei de la Pixologic aduc update-uri destul de des. Gasesti foarte multe tutoriale pe Youtube si pe ZbrushCentral, numai timp si rabdare sa ai.

Pentru studiul anatomiei, va recomand “Creature Anatomy
with Terryl Whitlatch

By Cosmin Dolha

Cosmin Dolha, born in 1982 in Arad, Romania, is a dedicated programmer and digital artist with over 19 years of experience in the field. Married to his best friend, Cosmin is a proud father of two wonderful boys.

Throughout his career, Cosmin has designed and developed web apps, RIAS, real-time apps, and mobile applications for clients in the United States. He has also created around 25 educational games using AS3 and Haxe and has spent a year working with Unity for VR, ECS, and C# for Oculus GO.

Presently, Cosmin focuses on using Swift (Apple) to build software tools that incorporate GPT and Azure Cognitive Services. His interests extend beyond programming and include art, music, photography, 3D modeling (Zbrush, Blender), behavioral science, and neuropsychology, with a particular focus on the processing of visual information.

Cosmin is an avid podcast listener, with Lex Fridman, Andrew Huberman, and Eric Weinstein among his favorites. His reading list can be found on Goodreads, providing further insight into his interests:

His top 10 songs, available as a YouTube playlist, showcase his taste in music:

For inquiries or collaboration, Cosmin can be reached via email at