I have been trying to renew my Apple Developer membership for a couple of days now, talking with support at Apple provided very little info on what might be going on. The card i use, is the card I have used before, and is being used for other Apple services and purchases, so it works with Apple. Still no luck paying for the Apple Developer program. The support from Apple suggested that I try with another card, well, It would be just weird for me to just open a new bank account and different cards just to try to debug their system, which worked well with my bank, Raiffeisen, and I am not very keen in switching my bank. So what can it be done? I could go and talk to people at my bank, but I thought I will leave it for another step, and give Revolut a try. I quickly opened an account with my Phone, then used a virtual disposable card, and surprise, Apple accepted the payment, so that was the solution. Hopefully this will help other Apple developers around the world to purchase anĀ Apple Developer account.
If you are having problems paying for your Apple Developer membership in 2022, try this
- Post author By Cosmin Dolha
- Post date November 3, 2022
By Cosmin Dolha
Cosmin Dolha, born in 1982 in Arad, Romania, is a dedicated programmer and digital artist with over 19 years of experience in the field. Married to his best friend, Cosmin is a proud father of two wonderful boys.
Throughout his career, Cosmin has designed and developed web apps, RIAS, real-time apps, and mobile applications for clients in the United States. He has also created around 25 educational games using AS3 and Haxe and has spent a year working with Unity for VR, ECS, and C# for Oculus GO.
Presently, Cosmin focuses on using Swift (Apple) to build software tools that incorporate GPT and Azure Cognitive Services. His interests extend beyond programming and include art, music, photography, 3D modeling (Zbrush, Blender), behavioral science, and neuropsychology, with a particular focus on the processing of visual information.
Cosmin is an avid podcast listener, with Lex Fridman, Andrew Huberman, and Eric Weinstein among his favorites. His reading list can be found on Goodreads, providing further insight into his interests: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/78047933?shelf=%23ALL%23
His top 10 songs, available as a YouTube playlist, showcase his taste in music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5aMgX67sX9XltpvlYoih7BRAZwMrckSB
For inquiries or collaboration, Cosmin can be reached via email at contact@cosmindolha.com.
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